DevOps Solutions at Domain Consulting IQ is perfect.
Keep pace with the fast-moving world and deliver applications to your customers with Domain Consulting IQ’s customized DevOps solutions
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Why DevOps?
In today’s rapidly evolving and competitive business ecosystems, there is a constant need for improved reliability, faster delivery and incorporating complex, novel features in an app or software. When customers demand swift changes in functionality, the traditional way of doing things doesn’t equip us with the right tools to deal with frequent changes and demands. You need an accelerated delivery of service using agile principles and reduced delivery cycle times. This cannot be done without the help of a flexible operations team. This would be very difficult if your development team is oblivious to the IT requirements for code implementation. DevOps helps in bridging gaps in traditional development-IT relations and you get your much-needed focus on collaboration, automation, monitoring and increased throughput in delivering applications.